Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

List three distinct concepts within Chapter one.

1)The first concept, that jumped out to me, was the statistics about different cultures and their use of electronics. The way that it can either enhance their knowledge or damage it. According to the text in chapter one, "White students use computers, and the internet more than African American and Hispanic students" (p.5). The problem, I see within using electronics at public schools, is if some students do not have access to a computer or iPad. This makes it hard for them because they can feel left out, and this can damage their grades.

2)The second concept, that I found interesting was about the Massachusetts teacher who listed his, must have electronics (p.12). Most everything he listed I defiantly did not see my teachers having. Some teachers had a desktop. Towards the end of my senior year teachers, did get smart boards. A lot of the things listed such as an iPod, laptop computer, and a smart phone my teachers never used or had access to these. I found this compelling.

3) The third concept, I read about that, struck out to me was on (p.15). Which talked about building teacher's identities. This fascinates me, just that paragraph got me excited to teach! When I think of teaching I do not think of using electronics. Growing up just to go to the computer lab was like going to recess. Reading about building, a multimedia resume sounds intriguing and makes me feel like I will have an advantage going into the teaching field. Also being able to model technology for students and teaching the importance and potential of using it I think will benefit students everywhere.

Conclusion: After reading chapter one, I am excited to learn about what technology has to offer for teachers and students. It makes me excited to jump start my career and my dream to be a teacher. Also, the fact that we do not have to use chalkboard and take the role on a notepad is a sigh of relief! Technology in schools has changed for the better. I want to educate myself to be a 21st Century tech-savvy teacher!


Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. It is really is amazing how much technology has changed our lives in recent years - we sort of take it for granted on a day-by-day basis, but amazingly, it is not really 'tapped' into in many classrooms. I'm glad you are looking forward to making it more priority in your future classroom. :)

    Be sure to try adding a relevant video/hyperlink/Creative Commons licensed photo and digital tool for the future posts to earn additional points. Not only will they enhance the text, but the visual and multimedia components helps our brains to be more interactive and engaging with the text!
